Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Has it been this long?

My how time flies when you are having fun! Things have been rather crazy lately with work and family situations. Danny and I have been doing good lately. Yeah I know this is rather short and sweet and to the point!!!! Loving life . . . . . . . .

Sunday, June 19, 2011

One Month

Hello again! It has been a month since my last post. Things have been a little crazy in my world this last month. Danny and I had a huge fight and almost broke up. I have done a lot of soul searching the last couple of weeks and have realized that it is still God's plan for us to be in each other's lives right now. We have had some long talks and have agreed to slow things down and see where God leads us.

My medical tests have all turned out good. I am having to take some medicines for a couple of things but hopefully will not have to stay on them for too long.

As for the walking and diet changes, this has been surprisingly easy. This weekend I ate rice for the first time in a long time and I really did not enjoy it (no fault to the cook, my taste buds have just changed). Mama and Danny have both said that they can see a change. Take a look for yourselves (please ignore the hair though -- it was a bad hair day today!)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Start of the New Me

In the past couple of weeks, I have been to several doctor appointments. From these visits and the discussions held with doctors, I have decided to take charge of my body and try to make some improvements. Last week, I started walking with a few people at work. We take part of our break times and lunch hours and do some walking. I cannot believe the progress I have made in such a short time. Today, I tackled a hill that I had been avoiding. It wasn't easy, but I made it!!! We all did the "Rocky" dance. I'm sure the people driving down that street that we were all crazy. The doctor told me I was Vitamin D deficient. So, I have been taking Vitamin D and B supplements as well as a prescription dosage of D on a weekly basis. I cannot believe how much more energy I have. I'm going to document the changes I see in me here. This is the beginning of the documentary made today. I hope to see lots of improvements as the next weeks go by.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Betty Carole's World is about to expand! Since I started dating Danny, I have become introduced to the joys of NC State football. He took me to 2 games last season, one in Greenville to watch the Pack get beat by the ECU Pirates and trekked through snow down to Orlando to the Champs Sports Bowl to watch the Pack beat up on West Virginia Mountaineers. I must admit, going to college football games are fun! Well, I have always enjoyed watching baseball on TV and have been to one pro-baseball game in Kansas City, MO where the Royals played the New York Yankees. Danny is a fan of the Cincinnati Reds and has always wanted to go see them play. Well, he is going to get his chance. We are going to Cincinnati in July to see the Reds play the San Francisco Giants (defending World Series Champions). Why this particular game, you may ask? Well, Danny likes the Reds and I like Tim Lincecum, the cute young pitcher for the Giants. We had debated about seeing the Braves play the Reds but opted for Reds vs. Giants. Hope the weather is nice for the trip -- and selfishly, I sure do hope Tim is pitching that day!!!! Here's to more excitement in Betty Carole's World.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy days are here again!

Things have been good in Betty Carole's World lately. The good Lord spared me, my family, and most of my friends from damage with the big tornado outbreak and for this, I am truly grateful. Things have also been good in the relationship sector of my World. Danny and I had a good talk and I think we are in a much better place these days. Looking forward to going out of town with him this weekend down to Wilmington. Plus, he is in a much better mood now that he has started back to work part-time.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Human Body -- Part 2

Today is "preparation day" for my medical tests tomorrow. All I can eat today is liquids, no restrictions other than -- no milk or cream, and nothing red or orange or with any pulp. Then about 3 o'clock, I have to start putting a tremendous amount of stuff in my body to start the cleaning out process. This just does not seem like a healthy/natural/safe thing to do but it is what the doctor told me to do. I am at Mama and Daddy's today because we have to be in Greenville at 8:30 in the morning. Plus, Mama is helping me -- instead of my drinking that old nasty chicken broth from a can, she is going to boil some chicken so to make some chicken salad -- and so I can have some better tasting broth to drink. Thanks Mama for going to that extra effort for your daughter. I have a support team with me today too. Danny is here for moral support and will be going to Greenville with us. Lots of support and love in Betty Carole's World today.

The Skies are brighter in World

I am so happy to post that the skies are brighter in Betty Carole's World these days! The good Lord spared my family during the terrible storms this weekend. Everyone is safe and accounted for and there was no property damage. Thank you Lord! As for the other part of my World, well things are better there too. I never heard the words "I'm sorry" but I think he knows that he hurt my feelings and has sure been acting very apologetic lately. Some people say that I should hold out to hear the words but as long as I see it in his actions, that is good enough for me! Two weeks ago, I went down to Myrtle Beach for my timeshare week, it was very nice. Met two old high school friends and the 6 of us had dinner and went to see the Carolina Opry. It was nice getting together with them again. We made a promise to do it again soon. Work World is about the same -- busy doing my work, listening to peoples problems, and dealing with personnel issues. Fun fun fun. But I'm not complaining because I am grateful to have a job!!!